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MCS-BElectronic control system

This system is used to monitor and control up to 240 motorized fire dampers and is compatible with all standard 24V or 230V actuators. The system consists of communication modules and from a central control unit, which communicates with individual communication modules via Bus communication RS-485. The entire system operates on the Master & Slave principle, where the communications modules (Slaves) have set the address through the Dip switch, the central control unit (Master) automatically detects individual modules and no further adjustments are required.



  • Central control module with high-resolution touchscreen
  • Connection of up to 120 UFC communication modules in two zones
  • Support for all standard 24 V AC / DC and 230 V AC actuators
  • Communication via RS-485 bus
  • System enables bus topology connected in two zones, max. distance between central control module and communication module 1200m (without repeater)
  • Automatic detection of UFC communication modules thanks to uniquely set address
  • Control of the dampers by pressing the button or automatic testing from the central control unit
  • Each zone has the option of connecting one ventilation unit
  • Open protocols Modbus RTU or BACnet MS / TP
  • Optional monitoring on an external computer via Wi-Fi with the Cloud Remote Access
  • Sending of Event Logs on Email via Cloud Access
  • Possibility to connect two fire dampers on one communication module UFC24-2
  • UFC24 communication module with the possibility of connecting one smoke detector and one thermoelectric tripping device
  • Measuring of the time of end switches